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Love Liza

Seymour Hoffman tour de force as grieving loner

Devendra Banhart – Oh Me Oh My

Excellent, if creepy, lo-fi folk

Shots In The Dark

Clint Eastwood's classic final word on the western genre

The Sunshine Company – The Blades Of Grass

The Blades Of Grass ARE NOT FOR SMOKING REV-OLA Rating Star West Coast ex-folksters The Sunshine Company just missed stardom when their version of newcomer Jimmy Webb's "Up, Up And Away" was beaten into the charts by the Fifth Dimension's in 1967.

Local Rabbits – This Is It Here We Go

Montreal cult band keep their long ears trained on sophisticated '70s pop

This Month In Soundtracks

Even if you remain immune to the dark charms of Joss Whedon's mighty Buffy The Vampire Slayer, you'll have noticed that some of us drone on about The Musical Episode from season six like it was the second coming of Abbey Road, Diamond Dogs and Closer. It is absolutely that and no less. The soundtrack, my most prized possession since someone burned it off a mobile MP3 laptop duck-billed web-pager for me (or whatever), is now officially released by popular demand, the first authentic use of the phrase 'by popular demand' since Disraeli's era.

Madness – Our House

Nutty Boys' best-of and musical tie-in

Power To The People

Eighth album from rap renegades is a 21-track jumble of new tracks, live performances and fan remixes

This Month In Americana

Beguiling collection of sepia-tinged ephemera spanning 1993-2002 from LA songstress, sometime Creekdipper and full-time fairer half of Mark Olson

Editor's Picks
