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end of the road

Keep It In The Family

Narrative 10-song cycle about a fictional clan is Young's best work in a while

The Robert Cray Band – Time Will Tell

Journeyman blues veteran discovers conscience and musical diversity on 13th album

Brothers Gonna Work It Out

Another pop classic from Prince of Pioneer Valley

Near Dark

"The night has its price," mysterious blonde Jenny Wright tells Adrian Pasdar's hapless Oklahoma farm boy before giving him a love bite and dragging him off on the road with her Mansonesque 'family' of white-trash serial-killer vampires—headed by a fantastic, dead-eyed Lance Henriksen. Kathryn Bigelow's genre-bending mix of horror, western and Southern gothic drags blood sucking into the modern world. One of the best horror movies of the last 20 years.

Less Is More

Haunting, minimalist road movie takes left-field Drugstore Cowboy director back to his roots

Flying Solo

Dark, melancholic 1974 solo offering from the thinking person's Byrd

Blazing Saddles

Swiftly-recorded follow-up from scuzz-rock trio

Do The Wry Thing

Cynical, articulate UK singer-songwriter sends home thoughts from abroad

Generation X – Anthology

Three-disc overview of Billy Idol's brigade

A Place In The Sun

This legendary album, the centrepiece of the so-called "Doom Trilogy", has waited nearly 30 years to be issued on CD, such has been its author's reputed disenchantment with it. Over that time, On The Beach has become a sort of Holy Grail to Neil Young CD buyers, its continuing unavailability adding to a notoriety which began with the first round of reviews the album received in summer 1974. Early reaction to On The Beach was almost entirely negative and it was only after a certain amount of hindsight had set in that it was accorded any respect, let alone admiration.

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