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end of the road

Long After The Gold Rush

The Great American Sacred Cow treads water with turgid set

This Month In Americana

Swan song from Jay Farrar and Jeff Tweedy's post-punk trailblazers. Includes five add-ons

The Sea And Cake – Glass

Part-new album, part-remix project from post-rock supergroup


Ungainly gothic masterpiece marks partial return to classic rock

Let’s Get Metaphysical

The Wachowski brothers' kick-ass cyber-noir sequel bows to mainstream demands but still delivers


Engrossing parable of how the young Hitler's 'artistic' ideas went askew

White Mischief

Ice-cold thriller with a downhome feel from the Coen brothers

Anger Management

Neat odd-couple comedy ruined by abysmal ending

Songs Of Experience

Gritty Southern rebel off-loads her emotional freight in a brilliantly paced set

Kathleen Edwards – Uncut Presents At The Borderline, London

Kathleen Edwards was one of the highlights of this year's South By Southwest Festival in Austin. Surely, I thought, she couldn't sound as good on a dull Wednesday night in a dingy London basement. But she could and she did. The buzz created by her debut, Failer, attracted some top London record company bosses to her first ever UK date. Among those were alt. country specialists Loose—although if they have designs on her, they must have been dismayed by the competition, which included Warner's chief, John Reed. And he surely could not have failed to be impressed.

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